Monday, December 01, 2008

Sixth Folder Photo Meme - Oh What a Game!

Don't you just love a good meme? Perfect for the Monday after a LOOOOONNNG weekend when you are beaten to a pulp by the unanswered emails in the office InBox?

How to:
--Go to your sixth picture folder and pick the sixth picture
--Pray you remember the details
--Tag five others

Ha! I wasn't sure what this picture was as I uploaded it, having the thumbnail feature turned off I only saw the picture name. "soxsmile.jpg". Remember the details I do!

This wonderfully joyous photo is not one I can take credit for. I believe I copied it from and sent it to some friends at work via email, as we all shared in celebration of the Red Sox fantastic, improbable, most tremendous comeback in the ALCS 2004 series against the Yankees. I distinctly remember one co-worker responding with the message, "that guy looks like he ate a bad sausage".

I really hate tagging, so I'm not following that rule, but if you do want to play, leave a comment, ok?

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