Sunday, January 23, 2005

Good Blizzards Make for Good Neighbors

Yikes! Posted by Hello

Where are the steps?Posted by Hello

Early on Posted by Hello

I awoke at 6:30 to hear the wind howling and moaning. There was at least two feet of snow outside the front door. Max, not one to change his routine, looked up at me, anticipating his morning walk, followed by breakfast. Silly dog. I opened the door. He took one look at the snow, piled up taller than his head, heard the screech of the 40 mph gusts and panicked. No matter how I tried to convince him, that dog would not step out into the raging storm.

All morning long Jeff and I watched the snow pile up, while staying tuned to the local news. So much hype! I don't understand why churches and synagogues feel the need to list storm closings on television. I have this image of families huddled around the television, Dad with the car keys in hand, watching the list crawl along the bottom of the screen, Mom and kids with fingers crossed, hoping, waiting, c'mon St. Bernadette's, c'mon....Wooo Hoo...No Church!!! I mean really, is all this information truly necessary.

Finished the back of the Debbie Bliss this afternoon, after much shoveling and clearing of the walkway and tops of cars. The best part of the day was when my neighbor Steve appeared at the end of my driveway with a new snowblower. Decked out in his yellow slicker, a plastic bag over his battered Indiana Jones hat, his face covered completely by a red and blue ski mask with only his frozen glasses peaking out...he waved and begin clearing the entire driveway, front walk, and in front of my mailbox. I rushed out and begin shoveling behind him, and yelled "thank you so much!". He just smiled. I could tell by his eyes. When he was done, he wheeled the snowblower back toward his house and said loudly, over the blowing winds "take care kiddo". I really am lucky to have such a wonderful neighbor.

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